Finally, yes.
My order to Santa Clausey posted ages ago was delivered.
Though not to my residence, it came entirely unexpected.
I thought it was LOST, or rather im Converting to ZEN.

But totally to my surprise.......
Rainy day/bUstop/Science Canteen/Qua San/KaSa/96/LAJ Tut...
Series of events that i shall leave for your imagination......
That's all I can say.
For once, 两个不多,一个太少。
A perfect combi just for ghim and me.
Mostly importantly, the X constraint that was satisfied.....
On top of my ever long lists of Ideal... skinny/bony but proportionate....nice shoulders, loves singlets(white),perfectly toned calves, adorable, makes witty conversations which stimulate my intellectual development,sporty, blah blah blah............ (the list goes on)
As i have said, those are IDEAL conditions.
I guess its hard to find, and "Nothing else comes close"
One interesting thing to do next time when you name your daughters
SOmehow girls by the names mentioned below seem to score with guys or rather US.
jennifer aniston
Law Neng
Chun Tian
Woo - San
Not that we know any of them at all....
Sounds stupid, but then again, if you have got 2 girls for you to choose,
maybe name might be a criteria again. (DREAMING again!)
As what "people" always say, the above mentioned are purely for entertainment. Its good to take things "with a pinch of salt"....also dunno for wat? So that it tastes a bit salty and you will spit it out?