Monday, February 27, 2006


hmmm... just to reinforce 爱心是最美的。

Nvm bt that...

Anyway, i guess the fan jian last night was quite fiery. Ignited my 'burning' passion and motivation. Never felt so productive for so long already. I guess when dealines are looming, you tend to crank out more stuff.

It Crunch Week this week. 2 Midterms, Proj LKY deadline, resume submission and my critical decision of whether to SU nihongo or not....

Well... decision is NO.

Gotta start working again. I can feel Mr Lee breathing down my neck already.

P.S. for gossip mongers: highlight

I wear contact lens and he knew CS uses Renu solution. dear G was considerate enough to anticipate that we might be working till quite late yest, so he bought the 3 toothbrushes for us... ORGh....SO SWEETA.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


A new module for you to take next sem.





Well, as I have said, this is a level 1 joke... so dun expect too much.
It takes only 5 seconds to read, but it takes a lifetime of 'spontananeity' and ideas to come up with it. So. Please.

Read with an OPEN MIND and you will actually find that its kinda 'funny'? (haha who cares ?!)

Friday, February 24, 2006

I Came, I Swam, I Ran (where?!!)

Well, my debut shot at Biathlon. NUS Biathlon, 19th Feb 2006.
Not that bad after all, and seriously speaking, I find it much more intense and exciting than the marathon.
Hmm.... one thing I liked was the body marking. Yes, scribbling 4 digits onto your limbs. However, if im not wrong I think there should be more professional markers or some chalk instead of the normal ink markers we use. Pls it felt like someone was drawing on me.
Imagine the thrill of swimming in the open sea(800m) not v far, but then again, it was a completely new experience. Hands and legs and bodies(other competitiors I mean) all around you, some 'grabbing' onto you and then you crashing into others. Whew.... it was really HELL of an experience.
All i remembered was that I was a bit disoriented at some point in time as I tried to swim the outer perimeter to avoid the cluster **** of swimmers. Then I saw that the rocks/island on the other side of Sentosa becoming so close to me. YES. I was swimming out too far. Some guy on the canoe (not gw) was waving at me, telling me that for goodness sake, DO NOT DRIFT OUT!

After that, it was themore fun part. Transition. Coming out of the water, still blur and a bit dis oriented, then removing my goggles and swim cap, running on sand, I reached the transition area, place where I had neatly and strategically placed my shoes and running gear. But then, due to my mind still left floating in the seas, I couldn't find my stuff. Precious seconds gone. In a competition where timing is crucial, this is usually the time where the pros and the newbies differ.

Finally getting off to a run while I 'lup' my singlet over as I scramble off. I checked my watch, 19 mins, that is swim + transition, not that bad, still within my expectations of 20mins. Before I knew it, the race was over. All I remebered was 2 of my friends were at the finishing line and seeing them was pure joy.

Well, definetely an experience of a lifetime. Both me and Fa was quite ecited and talked bt the possibility of joining the Singapore Biathlon. Which brings me to the next $#@*. Why can't Safra for goodness sake have an online registration when NUS Students Sports Club could?!! OMG. Was supposed to go for the swim trials today when the clerk at Safra told me registration was closed. DARNED.


Some photos, and is extorting again, $12.50 for 1x 4R when it only costs like 40c. HELP! SHARKS!

I think I look a bit 'pussy' in this shot
(Wipe that 'pussy' grin off your face!!)

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Just read this out of curiosity.... DID YOU KNOW?


The StarHub identity is an expression of our intention to be a proactively innovative company. We want to do things differently, to enhance customer choices for info-communications services and therefore, their quality of life.
We recognise that the world in which we live in is changing rapidly, and in order to enable our customers to get the most out of life and their choice of communications services, StarHub will have to explore new horizons and broaden our perspective.
Our visual identity is a positive expression of this goal. It recognises people as individuals and that everyone has the power to change for the better. It is confident, forward-looking and dynamic as expressed by the vibrant colours.

The transition from Blue to Green, emphasizes the transformation that we want to bring to people’s lives through innovative and integrated info-communications solutions.
StarHub’s corporate logo embodies the essence of a Chinese proverb which when translated means “green is derived from blue and green will become more brilliant than blue”; in short, the pupil shall surpass the teacher. Like the star depicted in its corporate identity, StarHub will adopt a dynamic and forward-looking stance, poised to transform the industry landscape and service mindset in a brand new way.

The World

"The World revolves around its own axis, NOT YOU or any other human"

The quote just "popped" into my mind..... wonder how it existed or triggered my nubile mind.....

Anyway, realised that we are still behind on some of our key projects:

1)Project LKY - blueprint is out... but haven't touch it... 1st March coming soon
Since we started liao , don't waste the effort by not submitting... LKY will be disappointed not to receive our entry

2)Resume - Our application for the best and most exciting summer internship should have been ready to send out. Again, we are overdue. The big companies are already pressing me for it, they just can't wait to have some excuse to hire us!!

3)Seems like our Nihongo no Kurasu is tomorrow but I got no idea what time is it. Morita HELP!

4)Should this be a term break (for us to rest) or a break from school so we can catch p on whatever's lacking; or both, for us to catch up on our SLEEP?
Anyway too late le.... its already the last day.
Wonder what I did actually, I can ony look back to say, I've Blogged. (so what?!)

5)Personally I haven been training for this week. *Shucks*. Time is running out.

6)2 midterms next week and haven't prepared. Shoot me, Onegaishimasu.

7) and the list goes on...........

Ah finally theres some linkage to "The World revolves around its own axis, NOT YOU or any other human".

The world doesn't stop for you, you gotta go along with the flow, thereafter you will be able to overtake it and then let it revolve to your pace.
(Isn't that what the 'age-defying' products claim?)

Ha. I love this photo. So studious.
Look like some poor accountant in a cheapo firm being overworked.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Tribute

No matter how ignorant or in your own world you may be, you should have heard that today 22nd Feb 2006, Former Deputy Prime Minister S. Rajaratnam, one of Singapore's founding fathers, has died.

Here's a short extract to illustrate his legacy:

The man who penned the lines for the Singapore Pledge, Mr Rajaratnam had retired from politics in 1988 after 29 years in Cabinet - the last four as Senior Minister.
Mr Rajaratnam, who would have turned 91 years old on Saturday, died of heart failure at 3.15pm on Wednesday.

A former journalist, Mr Rajaratnam had a long and illustrious career as a Cabinet Minister. But he will also be remembered for his keen intellect, his passion for ideas and books, his humour and his wit.

In 1983, Mr Rajaratnam said: "Singapore run only by PhD's would be my vision of a purgatory. Equally, a government run by road sweepers can be no less a terrifying place to live in."
He once said: "Singapore is prosperous and people are leaving us alone because we are strong and nobody disturbs... "Even elephants do not disturb a hornet's nest. The hornets are very small but if you go and disturb the hornets' nests, all the hornets join together and can make life miserable - no animal ever disturbs an hornet's nest though the nest is very small. "So Singapore should be a hornet's nest, two-and-a- half million people, everyone is a bee with a sting."

Born in Sri Lanka on 25 February 1915, Mr Rajaratnam was educated at Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur and then Raffles Institution in Singapore. He became politically active during a stint in London. And it was in London that he met his wife Piroska Feher, a Hungarian teacher and his soul-mate in their 48 years of marriage. After the Second World War, Mr Rajaratnam first worked as a reporter, and then Associate Editor of the Singapore Standard from 1950 to 1954. Even then, he believed in nationalism and self-determination, and that Singapore must be run by Singaporeans. One of the founder members of the People's Action Party, he quit journalism in 1959 to run in the Legislative Assembly Elections. He served in the Kampong Glam constituency for 29 years. Soon after being elected, Mr Rajaratnam was appointed Minister of Culture and he made television history with the first speech to be broadcast to Singaporeans.

On 26 August 1966, Mr Rajaratnam said: "Tonight Television Singapore begins transmission with the mother's pilot service. And tonight marked the start of a social and actual revolution in our lives. "If used intelligently and responsibly, television can far more effectively than any other mass media broaden the intellectual horizons of the ordinary man." Mr Rajaratnam had more than a knack for simplifying and presenting ideas to the man in the street. President S.R. Nathan said: "He had a sobering effect in times of crisis. He was a communicator of what they had intended to do. "He was an ideas' man. Sometimes maybe far-fetched but ideas nevertheless drawn from history, drawn from experience, drawn from his journalistic experience. And sometimes he probably would say how this was to be conveyed. "So even tough messages could be conveyed in language that the average man can understand and relate to. This was necessary at that time. People were looking for leadership and guidance from the government and invariably they realise that this government would find them the answer."

As Singapore's first foreign minister, Mr Rajaratnam worked from scratch to set up the Foreign Service and formulated a foreign policy to put then little-known Singapore on the map of international politics. Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's Prime Minister (1959-1990), said: "Raja was a man of enormous charm, personal charm, integrity and character and he had a difficult job because Singapore was a difficult country to represent. "I mean, we were small, we were not viable and people doubted whether we would survive, but he had this enormous gift of being self-possessed. "He doesn't look diffident. He is not arrogant. He is friendly, approachable, very personable and he gets on with people. He wins the confidence of those who deal with him, and that was a great advantage." "So, of all my colleagues, I thought he was the one who would represent us best abroad and he did." He was the key person who gave Singapore a louder voice - one that was out of proportion to the island-state's geopolitical significance and size. Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large, said: "He has always felt that as the foreign minister of a very small country that he had to punch hard in order to be noticed. "I also learnt from him that one ought not to be intimidated by one's small size. That if you have good ideas and you can persuade other people to know you have good ideas, you will succeed in spite of your small size. He was therefore responsible for this pro-active streak in our foreign policy tradition." In a speech to Parliament in December 1965, Mr Rajaratnam gave a realistic appraisal of Singapore's position in Southeast Asia, and outlined a foreign policy which aims to cultivate as many permanent friends for the country as possible. Professor Koh added: "He was a people person. People warmed up to him. He likes people. He likes company, he was the wordsmith. The government needed a friendly face to the world and he was the friendly face to the world." On 8 August 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was born and Mr Rajaratnam was one of the five founder-members who signed this new agreement. ASEAN went on to grow into the major 10-member regional organisation it is today. Back home, Mr Rajaratnam introduced the policy of multi-racialism, insisting that the three main races be accorded equal importance and significance. And he worked hard at forging a common identity among Singaporeans. It was an unenviable task, considering the strong communal, racial and religious differences among Singaporeans then.

On 25 February 1990, Mr Rajaratnam said: "Certainly all of us who went into politics believed in it that we can create a Singapore where race, religion, language does not matter. "What matters is that we are one people and if you know there's a song we have. It goes something like, I cannot remember - "We are Singapore and these are my friends." - This is why I am here tonight." This sentiment was the very basis of the Singapore Pledge he had penned: "We the citizens of Singapore pledged ourselves as one united people. Regardless of race, language, or religion..." Mr Rajaratnam said: "This was a new generation but now that they are all grown up, probably fathers and grandfathers but at that time, this concept (of a nation) was not even part of the imagination of adults, let alone children.

"So the best way to create a nation is to start from the schools. Once this is embodied and thinking by pure repetition everyday, that becomes part of the psyche of the people. "So let me tell you if you are a Singaporean - two and a half million - no place to run - no more. Whether you are a Singapore Chinese, Singapore Malay and Singapore Indian, you cannot run away. This is your last stand, last outpost. So how do you do it? "If you think of yourself as Chinese, Malays, Indians and Sri Lankans, then Singapore will collapse. You must think of Singapore - this is my country. I fight and die for Singapore if necessary." One of the last of the Old Guard leaders to retire from politics, Mr Rajaratnam stepped down as Senior Minister at the age of 73 but he continued to work at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies till 1996.

After his wife Piroska died in 1989, Mr Rajaratnam was asked about his thoughts on death and if he feared it. He answered: "No, not death, but how one day, before the curtain closes, I would like to know, did I do something worthwhile?" The answer must be a firm "yes". - CNA/de

diffident - lack confidence

As a tribute, all government agencies and public offices shall lower the flags to half mast from tomorrow till Sunday.
If you are wondering, the radio's key stations, 98.7FM, 93.3, 95.0 etc have stopped broadcasting their regular programmes as a mark of respect till 11pm.

I rally all to wear black for the next few days as a Mark of Respect for this man, the fore father of Singapore.

Forget about wearing black for the fee hikes, against Australian govt etc... this Shall Be the One.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If Only...

Read that the largest US lottery prize ever has been drawn and this particular winner has not come forward to collect his prize.
He has won a total of US$368 million. YES. Thats US$368 000 000.

Imagine how many BMWs, Boeings, aircraft carrier you can buy?

Well, the fantasy of what if I struck lottery struck me. (though I don't buy at all, it doesn't hurt to dream)

If I have US$368 million...

1) Air Craft Carrier. Yes. My dream of buying my own aircraft carrier, much better than buying any island which will be swallowed by tsunamis or shrinking over time due to erosion.
My personal aircraft carrier complete with 2 helicopters, 3 commercial jets, many a handful of fighter jets F16s, with an Olympic size swimming pool so that I can swim in chlorinated water while on the oceans.

2)Buy over BMW. CS will definitely receive his much long awaited car. In fact, I will give everyone in my mobile phone booklist 1 x BMW roku Series complete with Sunroof.
(Thats it, come on, give me all your phone numbers. HA)
BMW will no longer be sold to public. Only me and my 'associates' have the priviledge to drive one. Does that make it more ostentacious?

3)Move over TRUMP. Its my version of The Apprentice.
YES. However, I will be selecting my secretary. HAHA.

4)Hmm... do something constructive with the money. Buy over Temasek and then see money grow like skyscrappers.

5)How much can you get and do with this money? Infintely - using your imagination.

Darned - Stupidity or Selfish

As the latest news came, SIA has been denied the use of the Tans-pacific Route yet again.

I just can't help but wonder why is it that we just can't fly over the skies? And who gave Australia the rights over the Pacific Ocean skies? Maybe im just ignorant.

I can't help but agree with our transport ministry that it is utterly disappointing. It only shows how protective you are over your national airline, denying consumers and others the chance to compete on a fair ground.

What can we do then?

As I quote the SIA's chief, "letting another airline fly 1 plane on that route a day WILL NOT bankrupt Qantas."

Luckily I'm not using Renu Contact Lens solution. OMG.
Follow MOH's advice, stop using Renu for the time being.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Some Gif I found on 1 blog.....

Humour Digest - Stupidity

Came across this jokes in a 'local' 'Men's Health' magazine.... ( shall not mention the mag name)

John and his 2 friends are talking in a bar.
His 1st friend says, " I think my wife is having an affair with an electrician. The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed and they definitely weren't mine."
His 2nd friend says, "I think my wife is having an affair with a plumber. The other day I came home and found a wrench under our bed and it wasn't mine."
Hearing what his friends said, John decided to reveal the shocking truth to them.
John says, " I think my wife is having an affair with a horse."
Both his friends stopped drinking and looked at him with utter disbelief.
"No, Im serious. The other day I came home, I found a jockey under our bed."


As I was reaading todays ST, on the cover page it wrote about 15 churches in N*i*g*e*r*i*a being torched by protestors over the 'old' yet unsettled issue of Danish cartoons.
One word I have is "Stupidity".

Yes. Is there a need for us to burn and kill other people over this cartoon?
Is it depcted somewhere that if someone pokes fun at your religion, you have to resort to violence and protesting and murders?

Didn't you learn from every peace promoting religion that we should always love one another.
Will violence solve anything? Angered you may be, but killing will only show how much you have learnt and interpreted the meanings of your true 'God', definitely he did not spell out the word violence somewhere in the bible or religious scripts. Neither should you abuse and use the idea of "carrying out God's orders". PLEASE.
If any order is made, it would be 2 Large Hawaiian Pan Pizzas to share around the house.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Day

The day has come......
Tonight is going to be a long night again.......
Im glad i have SCV though... haha......

Will I be Victorious once again?

As I always say to G.
"There is a limit to Stupidity, and YOU are the Limit"

Friday, February 17, 2006

Minna San

Kyou wa Qua San no Tanjoubi Desu!!!
Ima Qua San wa nijunisai.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

In response - Rally together

Feb 14th -V Day


Ok, its finally V day .... VaIN Day.....

As CS was saying are all the girls prettier today cos they all got a 'hot' date? Not sure but then again, today is 1 real 'hot' day.

Moved the darn refrigerator and tv wif Ghim to his 'condo' today. Who needs such a big fridge when your room is so weeny?!

Anyway, CS finally 'deliberately' showed off his new Sony Eric'sSon K750(i) 2 mega pix camera.....(prnounced Ka-Me-Ra)
I was impressed, in fact Amazed.I tink it has 'beautifying effects'.
Good Cam man!

PGP is cool also. Another new chill out spot for us when we bring our bikes together and rove around letting Ghim fulfill his wish of 'rolling' down the steep staircases of Arts and then executing a 37.3deg drift followed by a slight brake and then dumping his bike onto the floor. (Can imagine that?) Thereafter he will stylishly remove his helmet(since when was he wearing?) and then pull the LT door and shout "SUMIMASEN".

Sounds cool? Think again. Looking the inclination of the steps, i tink 99% its a gone case. That 1% is actually to encourage you that things are not that bad at all, there is still "hope" in this world. Or rather, the world is "hopeless" as i recall the Ceo OF explaining last week.
Speaking of that, im still rather "HIGH" bt whatever it was with F3...... 'stupidly' fun is all i can say. For once I felt my balls drop to the floor and darn SMU aircon, so freaking cold that i was literally shaking....... How to appear calm and composed yet warm?!!!

Anyway NUS Biathlon coming up this SUNDAY at Sentosa. Going for my last prep session or rather 1st full session with transition tomorrow after school. Wonder how it will be. All hyped up again like the marathon last year. Fa and guowei both going also, though Gw is going as safety. At least I know my life is safe in his hands. HA.
Well, to those who wish to support or chill out after that at Sentosa can come down lah. Have some beer and then frolick on the sand.

Lastly, Woo-san has really captivating eyes we all agree. And she does bear some uncanny resemblence to Ms Junyi san.......

Stupid mistake i did together. Called one girl in our TB class Thai-jin. OMG. Trying to be over friendly then call the wrong name. Though thats what I remember of her, cos shes a Thai in our jap class.
But then again, imagine calling someone by their nationality or someone calling you Singaporuu Jin. STUPIDITY.

<== To show that im actually not 'balding'

Catch 'A light affair' on ch 5 Weds with CS

<-- Working Out the wonders of TV.

An SCV affair.

How can you be 21 and yet still try to act cute?

One of my Fav Photos.
Happily Ever AFTER.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Whats WRONg!!

sEEMS like TLC is in a bad spate of luck recenty, esp with the 'auspicious' dreaded date looming around, clouding our vision and then leaving us scurrying for cover..... yup.... Feb 14th.....
And most importantly, we just gave up on our bid for P&O. DARN. DooBai. Why fight with us over this when you got plenty of oil and cash to burn!!!! btw TLC actually stands for Temasek Linked Companies in the corporate world.

Heard from a friend who is relatively 'superstitious' type that believe some sort of numerology thing... see if it works for you...
Heres how it goes:

1) take your date of birth (e.g 16/08/1984 THATS MINE if you dun know)
2) add all the numbers up.... mines 1+6+8+1+9+8+4 = 37
3)if the numbers are greater than 10,meaning the 2 digits(3 and 7) add them up...
4) so my NUMBER is actually 10 which is still greater than 10 thus add them up and i get 1.
5) ok so supposedly my 'unlucky'days fall on

28th of every month.

As long as the dates add up to 10 or 1 then its my cursed day.
And the cure is to wear RED underwear, or anything red shld do......
Best of all, if you can do a good deed by donating some blood on that day to the Singapore Red Cross, it would be able to help you 消灾解难 at the same time add 1 x 'LINK POINT' for your afterlife journey.
Note: You do not want to be stranded at the bus stop while not having enough Link Points to reach your "Final Destination" 3........haha...coming SOON

So let me analyse for dear CS:

1)16/02/1984 if im not wrong... if wrong pls dun kill me
3)Add them together and you get 4.

4) So unlucky dates to avoid:

Seems like it works for CS.

What About You?

Disclaimer: While every effort has been taken not to pose insult,criticism,foul language to anyone or any race or any religion or any breed, the above is only intended for those with an open mind. Do not rejoice if its damn accurate.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Today is an extremely *%*%@# day.


For once I felt that it was an emotional run, not only was I running away from all that #$%#
I was also running to find that emotional balance back.
It had upsetted me so much that I felt the urge to change into my singlet and shorts with only my keys and $10, I left for the more peaceful world outside.

犯贱 alone this time. Walls close in on me. The buzzing cars along AYE seem indifferent to the turmoil I was in. As i sat bare torso at the grandstand, calming and blending myself into the peaceful world outside, I could only see much loneliness. Yes. Maybe it strikes you when you are at your weakest.
A group of Indian scholars were celebrating someone's birthday, doing stupid things but then having fun also. Another pair of 2 girls were walking on the tracks, chatting bt anything under the universe. Then another couple joined the tracks. The guy was running and the girl timing him. For a moment i wished there was someone there with me, walking with me as i cool down. Its been a long time and once again, it surfaces when im feeling so weak.

But then again, I can see that beyind this pitfall, its another series of uphill for me. With every fall comes a new peak, higher than before. Well then. Bring it on.

Torina 2006 Winter Games opened in Italy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

FINALLY .... ShiTing

Finally, yes.

My order to Santa Clausey posted ages ago was delivered.
Though not to my residence, it came entirely unexpected.
I thought it was LOST, or rather im Converting to ZEN.

But totally to my surprise.......
Rainy day/bUstop/Science Canteen/Qua San/KaSa/96/LAJ Tut...
Series of events that i shall leave for your imagination......

That's all I can say.

For once, 两个不多,一个太少。
A perfect combi just for ghim and me.
Mostly importantly, the X constraint that was satisfied.....
On top of my ever long lists of Ideal... skinny/bony but proportionate....nice shoulders, loves singlets(white),perfectly toned calves, adorable, makes witty conversations which stimulate my intellectual development,sporty, blah blah blah............ (the list goes on)

As i have said, those are IDEAL conditions.
I guess its hard to find, and "Nothing else comes close"
One interesting thing to do next time when you name your daughters
SOmehow girls by the names mentioned below seem to score with guys or rather US.

jennifer aniston
Law Neng
Chun Tian
Woo - San

Not that we know any of them at all....
Sounds stupid, but then again, if you have got 2 girls for you to choose,
maybe name might be a criteria again. (DREAMING again!)

As what "people" always say, the above mentioned are purely for entertainment. Its good to take things "with a pinch of salt"....also dunno for wat? So that it tastes a bit salty and you will spit it out?