Thursday, February 23, 2006

The World

"The World revolves around its own axis, NOT YOU or any other human"

The quote just "popped" into my mind..... wonder how it existed or triggered my nubile mind.....

Anyway, realised that we are still behind on some of our key projects:

1)Project LKY - blueprint is out... but haven't touch it... 1st March coming soon
Since we started liao , don't waste the effort by not submitting... LKY will be disappointed not to receive our entry

2)Resume - Our application for the best and most exciting summer internship should have been ready to send out. Again, we are overdue. The big companies are already pressing me for it, they just can't wait to have some excuse to hire us!!

3)Seems like our Nihongo no Kurasu is tomorrow but I got no idea what time is it. Morita HELP!

4)Should this be a term break (for us to rest) or a break from school so we can catch p on whatever's lacking; or both, for us to catch up on our SLEEP?
Anyway too late le.... its already the last day.
Wonder what I did actually, I can ony look back to say, I've Blogged. (so what?!)

5)Personally I haven been training for this week. *Shucks*. Time is running out.

6)2 midterms next week and haven't prepared. Shoot me, Onegaishimasu.

7) and the list goes on...........

Ah finally theres some linkage to "The World revolves around its own axis, NOT YOU or any other human".

The world doesn't stop for you, you gotta go along with the flow, thereafter you will be able to overtake it and then let it revolve to your pace.
(Isn't that what the 'age-defying' products claim?)

Ha. I love this photo. So studious.
Look like some poor accountant in a cheapo firm being overworked.


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