Monday, February 13, 2006

Whats WRONg!!

sEEMS like TLC is in a bad spate of luck recenty, esp with the 'auspicious' dreaded date looming around, clouding our vision and then leaving us scurrying for cover..... yup.... Feb 14th.....
And most importantly, we just gave up on our bid for P&O. DARN. DooBai. Why fight with us over this when you got plenty of oil and cash to burn!!!! btw TLC actually stands for Temasek Linked Companies in the corporate world.

Heard from a friend who is relatively 'superstitious' type that believe some sort of numerology thing... see if it works for you...
Heres how it goes:

1) take your date of birth (e.g 16/08/1984 THATS MINE if you dun know)
2) add all the numbers up.... mines 1+6+8+1+9+8+4 = 37
3)if the numbers are greater than 10,meaning the 2 digits(3 and 7) add them up...
4) so my NUMBER is actually 10 which is still greater than 10 thus add them up and i get 1.
5) ok so supposedly my 'unlucky'days fall on

28th of every month.

As long as the dates add up to 10 or 1 then its my cursed day.
And the cure is to wear RED underwear, or anything red shld do......
Best of all, if you can do a good deed by donating some blood on that day to the Singapore Red Cross, it would be able to help you 消灾解难 at the same time add 1 x 'LINK POINT' for your afterlife journey.
Note: You do not want to be stranded at the bus stop while not having enough Link Points to reach your "Final Destination" 3........haha...coming SOON

So let me analyse for dear CS:

1)16/02/1984 if im not wrong... if wrong pls dun kill me
3)Add them together and you get 4.

4) So unlucky dates to avoid:

Seems like it works for CS.

What About You?

Disclaimer: While every effort has been taken not to pose insult,criticism,foul language to anyone or any race or any religion or any breed, the above is only intended for those with an open mind. Do not rejoice if its damn accurate.


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