Saturday, March 25, 2006

M.i.L.K - Shunji

A rather eventful week again. Seems like I haven't been posting for quite some time. Thoughts are organised in my mind, but don't really have the chance to type it out.

Anyway the week started with a F*$# trip to one of the popular local hair salons....(quite obvious?) After a failed walk in, finally got our slot through appointment.
Disappointing results for me..... G seems to like his.
ITS been Freaking AGES since someone last used a shaver on my hair and im wondering why I agreed to let him do it.........(thought he had conceptualised some funky style then let him free play lor)
but then the result is ........ **&^^
So whats the average price that people quoted when they saw my hair..... tink the max is lke $10....... 'barber' like...


I paid $47.25 for it.

I lost the funk....... became clean cut......

Looks like I gotta go for this image from now on....

Quite productive this week in terms of projects.... or maybe is it because deadlines are drawing closer... it would be disastrous if we kept that pace.
Now it boils down to hard work in getting the reports etc churned out.

Running again, in fact ran 3 times this week, thurs night was quite fun, exploring haw par villa pasir panjang area at night. Haven done that in a long time.

Todays quite a fun day too.... fun with kids... lots of them I would say.. even when I was jogging at WCP..... look at their innocence........
Ha, think kids tell the truth the most..... finally someone said likes my hair
Every life is beautiful.............

Took some photos with my new addition: lets just name him 'Blur' and the old mate 'Stoned'


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