Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What are We Living For?

Sometimes I wonder "WHAT THE HECK AM I LIVING FOR?!!"

This thought crossed my mind when I woke up today. Yes. Late again. I mean I set my alarm clock to be 7.15am but then I woke up at 8.20am. Hmm... and the reason why I woke up was because I got a shocked. Somehow I had placed my square alarm clock on another side, so it seemed like 11 am ++ to me. Then I jumped up. I have hit the limit of stupidity.

What is more annoying is the thought that after I woke up, the thought of coming home after lessons at 4pm to catch up on my sleep. STUPID. Why did that thought ever cross my mind. Sometimes I really wonder, and dear G enlightened me that are we eating a meal and then waiting to eat the next. We wake up to wonder when will we get to sleep again?!!
I just can't take the way my mind is functioning nowadays. These thoughts are 'cockcroach', a new verb - useless and annoying. Not that Im afraid of them, but rather how the F*** do I get rid of them. Sometimes I really wonder WHY THE F*&# is my brain/mind thinking like that.

Do our minds control our heart or the other way round?
Are we living for the sake of living to see the next day, when we get to eat again, sleep etc...?!!

Very easily in our minds we can say NO! but in reality, what we are doing seems like it.
休息是为了走更长的路。 or 走更长的路是为了休息多一点。
Can some psychology student pls tell me? But then i think this can;t be found in the textbook lah.


Hmm ... i like this windows chinese character input, it is quite intelligent , can like predict what I was going to type. welll done Bill's kar gia.

Anyway a rather humorous conversation I heard on radio between Mr Rod and Jean:

Rod: Im reading on the history of glue. It so interesting.
Jean: whats so great about it?
Rod: Im like reading it so much that Im stucked to it.



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