Monday, January 02, 2006

The Chronicles of NiaNia - The Liar, The Bitch & The CupBoard

Yes, just watched this quite ok movie.... maybe 4 stars out of 5 .......
Similar storylines to those ancient battles.... but the interesting part comes when children are involved.

Some spoofs or my views on the movie as follows:

1) Y can't the children just discover the wardrobe and start all their adventures... instead of poor lucy coming in and out and then being called a LIAR.
2) Excuse me Peter, but ur Brother is a real PUSSY. (y do those heir to the throne haf such weakling brothers, rem Troy, Mr Hectre and his pussy brother Orland* Bl**Ms........
3) Susan, u managed to get ur 1 and only kill in the whole show..... so much for ur Archery skills..and it was at such CLOSE RANGe!!
4) Pls Ms Bitch/Witch/Queen of NiaNia, save the Polar Bears...... its really a torture for them under this weather, let alone go into battle
5) Y did u call the majestic lion some "Azlan" ma chiam Mat name? Doesn't really fit the image...
Simba sounds much better
6) Animals and beasts in battle..... oh great... trying to be different.... no longer the typical human vs ogre/ORCs ..
7) Can we pls haf more fighting...... all their training ........ there weren't enuff close up battles betwn the boys and the beasts
8) OK GREAT. SANTA does exist.... bt y does he have grey hair and beard..... and wheres rudolph? I din see him with the reindeer team? Pls include him!!
9) Y does Mr "Azlan" haf bad breath?!!! All the stonified figures came round after he blows his breath at them..... *YUCKS*
OK, heres 1 of my resolution for 2006.... YES. 1 of my fantasies in fact, to star in that particular scene where Peter wields his sword and says his prayers b4 the battle.... (Mr Stevie Spill-burp take note!!!)
<---- mY Dream -----
To wear the armour and wield the sword with tons of troops behind, ala LOTR battle scenes.....
> "For NiaNia, and For Azlan!!!"
(troops morale boosted......)
<---- One of the scenes i found quite familiar...
Yes. Y do lions always stand at some cliff area looking really cool with the sun's rays behind it?
Looks like 'Simba' from The Lion King


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