Saturday, March 25, 2006

M.i.L.K - Shunji

A rather eventful week again. Seems like I haven't been posting for quite some time. Thoughts are organised in my mind, but don't really have the chance to type it out.

Anyway the week started with a F*$# trip to one of the popular local hair salons....(quite obvious?) After a failed walk in, finally got our slot through appointment.
Disappointing results for me..... G seems to like his.
ITS been Freaking AGES since someone last used a shaver on my hair and im wondering why I agreed to let him do it.........(thought he had conceptualised some funky style then let him free play lor)
but then the result is ........ **&^^
So whats the average price that people quoted when they saw my hair..... tink the max is lke $10....... 'barber' like...


I paid $47.25 for it.

I lost the funk....... became clean cut......

Looks like I gotta go for this image from now on....

Quite productive this week in terms of projects.... or maybe is it because deadlines are drawing closer... it would be disastrous if we kept that pace.
Now it boils down to hard work in getting the reports etc churned out.

Running again, in fact ran 3 times this week, thurs night was quite fun, exploring haw par villa pasir panjang area at night. Haven done that in a long time.

Todays quite a fun day too.... fun with kids... lots of them I would say.. even when I was jogging at WCP..... look at their innocence........
Ha, think kids tell the truth the most..... finally someone said likes my hair
Every life is beautiful.............

Took some photos with my new addition: lets just name him 'Blur' and the old mate 'Stoned'

Friday, March 17, 2006

Guiness World Record

Longest throw - no tailThe record the longest throw of an object without any velocity-aiding feature is 427.2 m (1,401.5 ft) by David Schummy (Australia) with a boomerang on 15 March 2005 at Murrarie Recreation Ground, Queensland, Australia.

Set Your SIGHTS FAR..... 80m enough?

Tomorrow shall be the day all truths come to light or rather facts......
CAn the human vision of throwing a GOLF ball 80m be realised?
It all depends. PLEASE. I urge all able and like minded individuals from NUS to gather at SRC tracks tml......

I need the grandstand to be filled......... No need for cheers... just come with ur imagination if I do fail tml........

Anyway realised its been 1 week since the last blog.....
Rather eventful week fighting off theNinjin....finishing the FNA and MNO project presentations.... etc etc etc.........
It was great... went for a jog yesterday.... Feels good to be moving those legs again.....

But now the more challenging task in mind is the Guiness World Record. It is quoted from an unknwon source "that the frisbee can only fly up to 90m for world record". Well then.
But since Mr T Woods can hit the golf ball as fast as F1, I think I should be able to manage a par more than him.....

THE HUMAN MIND CAN DO UNLIMITED WONDERS.............................
and one of it is IMAGINATION.

Friday, March 10, 2006

FarKK OFF you NINJin....

I missed my MNO lecture this morning. Supposedly the most impt lecture ever taught by the prof in his entire career..... ( according to CS).

Darned. It was the NinJin. Yes..... NinJin = Bad Guy................
The evil inner side of me....... I can't stand him anymore..........
Been plagued by this recent spate of 'weakness' ........ prob cos of the midterms etc....
Well... finally the last paper is over so I shall embark on my journey to acquire my Zen status again...

Recently I could only feel a state of 'Lost'..... (PS: LOST Season 2 coming on Mar 31st. SHIOK!)
Anyway... I just realise that the energy flow or sort of 'qi' in me has been in turbulence. Same goes for the other 2...or issit me that is thinking.... its this once-I-wake-up-I-think-about-when-I-will-get-to-sleep-again thought.

I just think ITS FARKKKING WRONG. The NinJin who poisoned my mind with this thought should be shot. PLEASE. I shall reclaim my mind from him then. He has taken over my usual burst of energy and also turmoiled my entire system. His accomplices are stress and midterm.
I think its time that I got it going again.

Did my swim today finally. Haven't been running, cycling or swimming ever since the Bi. My body is telling me they crave for some excitement. But by the time I got to the pool, it was freaking crowded. I mean its like 4 to 5 swimmers per lane. So which should I join? Well it doesnt make much of a difference. Except that while I was swimming, I jus realised that CS's quote that the water on fri and weekends is actually quite 'oily'. True. I could hardly see much in the water to make out my direction, for once the pool seems murky. Anyway, FaRK it. I just needed a mindless activity for me to 'drain' all my energy.

Can't really organise my thoughts lately.

Tomorrow will be another busy but fun day. 爱心计划 in the morning and then going to carry out my 80m golf ball experiment at the tracks. PLEASE. I think it can be done. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING. Just another experiment to prove whether I have been disillusioned about distance. How far can a golf ball fly with just the power of hands?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What are We Living For?

Sometimes I wonder "WHAT THE HECK AM I LIVING FOR?!!"

This thought crossed my mind when I woke up today. Yes. Late again. I mean I set my alarm clock to be 7.15am but then I woke up at 8.20am. Hmm... and the reason why I woke up was because I got a shocked. Somehow I had placed my square alarm clock on another side, so it seemed like 11 am ++ to me. Then I jumped up. I have hit the limit of stupidity.

What is more annoying is the thought that after I woke up, the thought of coming home after lessons at 4pm to catch up on my sleep. STUPID. Why did that thought ever cross my mind. Sometimes I really wonder, and dear G enlightened me that are we eating a meal and then waiting to eat the next. We wake up to wonder when will we get to sleep again?!!
I just can't take the way my mind is functioning nowadays. These thoughts are 'cockcroach', a new verb - useless and annoying. Not that Im afraid of them, but rather how the F*** do I get rid of them. Sometimes I really wonder WHY THE F*&# is my brain/mind thinking like that.

Do our minds control our heart or the other way round?
Are we living for the sake of living to see the next day, when we get to eat again, sleep etc...?!!

Very easily in our minds we can say NO! but in reality, what we are doing seems like it.
休息是为了走更长的路。 or 走更长的路是为了休息多一点。
Can some psychology student pls tell me? But then i think this can;t be found in the textbook lah.


Hmm ... i like this windows chinese character input, it is quite intelligent , can like predict what I was going to type. welll done Bill's kar gia.

Anyway a rather humorous conversation I heard on radio between Mr Rod and Jean:

Rod: Im reading on the history of glue. It so interesting.
Jean: whats so great about it?
Rod: Im like reading it so much that Im stucked to it.


Saturday, March 04, 2006



小虎, you better watch out.

I'm warning you.

If you don't know what just happened, my PRIVACY was invaded by them.
After living with them for my entire life, until they literally grew an entire army in my house.
Imagine <>


In case 小虎 you guys can surf the net, though I don't have wireless broadband at home, you better watch where you are going(crawling).
The walls in my house have been coated with a layer of 'slip' surface, series of bumps to give it a textured effect. Supposedly can help prevent lizards from crawling on the walls. But seems like they have evolved to be a stronger race, more resistant to such preventive measures.

I bought my breakfast for tomorrow, leaving it on the table. As I poured a glass of milk, I saw a slight shaking in the plastic bag, darned. BO CHUN LIAO! I have just been attacked. Due to my carelessness, 小虎 has successfully invaded and God knows how long he has been rumaging through my breakfast.
When I attempted to approach it, it pretended not to see me, or rather thought it was a Chameleon, can change to the color of the plastic bag. STUPID. The plastic bag is transparent, which brings me to 1 interesting thought:
What if you place a CHAMELEON on a transparent plastic bag?
can it acquire invisibility as well?

Nic>> pls provide some scientific answers....

Anyway, my breakfast is gone and 小虎 got away.

A word of advice for you then: