Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Idiot's Guide to Wisdom

Well, what can you do when a man's got too much wisdom? Pretty nothing much you can do but just stare at him in awe ......
But then again, I decided to do something about my over brimming wisdom.......yes....... visit a professional.

Time : approx 1 hr:

What you need:
1) 1 dentist and 2 nurses
2)Plenty of tools, pliers (yes u will need them), saw (????)....
3)Needles, string, syringes...... (HELP)
4)Some nice midi playing in the background( you will noe y later)
5)As many hands as possible

Alright lets get started, it ain't a tough one, bt it certainly cannot be done blindfolded

Step 1: Put on the goggles, bibs, rinse your mouth and sit back
Step 2: Open your mouth wide, say cheese and *Ka-Chak* ... x ray taken
Step 3: Prepare for the worst
. The only thing i remembered was that the jabbing of the anaesthtic was so painful!!! Much more painful than anything. Imagine a needle into the gums of ur mouth at an angle, and repeatedly at the underside of ur upper jaws (OUCH!!)

Step 9: Remove the flesh covering the embedded teeth >> scrap and just 'slice' open the flesh to expose the teeth
Step 10: Heres comes the real 'drill'
>>> Using a saw, she 'drilled' and scraped and poked and dug at my mouth..... it all feels like using ur ET plate and then scraping and hitting on a piece of stubborn rock trying to break it into pieces.
Step 11: With 1 nurse grabbing my lower jaw, the other shooting some 'llubricant' like water into my mouth, the dentist was using all her force with the pliers....
Now i begin to noe y ple used tooth extraction as a form of capital punishment to torture the war prisoners. The sight of the pliers entering ur mouth intimidates you.... all this with me staring helplessly at what she was doing.

Step 12: Repeat step 10 & 11 as it definitely needs like more than 3 cycles to shatter the embedded teeth.

After many cycles of using the pliers, until i was 'squirming' at my seat, goggles with splashed blood and fists clenched, it was DONE. *TADA*

<=== My lower tooth that was embedded
There was at least 5 pieces from 1 tooth

To finish it off, she literally 'sewed', stiched in my mouth. With a quite thick black line and nimble hands, she went in and out and the other nurse helped to cut it. I could feel that she had knitted a little sweater for me in my mouth..... (exaggeration) (All this done with my eyes wide open)
Next i took a breather and then she asked me:
"You want to remove the top also?" "If you can take it"
Me: "Er......................................................................"
Me: " Er......................................................................."
Dentist: " Ok?"
Me: " ER..... O~K (can't speak properly with the gauze in my mouth and the saliva swelling) (muffled)
Dentist to other nurses: " Prepare the 'chair' and get ready"

Nurses and dentist hurry back to the room and get everything sorted out .... utensils and tools hitting the metal plates etc ( imagines the sound and image of doc extracting bullet from your body and holding it before you and then dropping into a metal plate)

There i go again, this time same routine follows and then within like 15 mins,
I was out. My upper tooth was removed.
Dentist: "That is a really big tooth!"

My upper tooth, as big as 20-cent coin ( no exaggeration)

Then all the post operation speech,
dentist: " the operation today is successful, in fact, it was brilliantly done"
Blah blah blah

The effect of the anaesthic was still lingering in my mouth AND i could barely talk. appointment been done for next thurs, "operation fight wisdom" part II continues....

< === I was given this .....
<=== "Jab urself in the thigh if u need to .."



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