Sunday, December 04, 2005

Nothing is Impossible - Another Milestone

Your OC has done it. 42.195km. in a not-so-ordinary timing of 5hr 40mins, under the blistering sun and the unduling terrain of south-eastern Singapore. Longest distance in my life. 1st marathon of my life.

Woke up, after like 3 hrs of sleep though i tried to sleep at 10PM. Adrenaline is just like caffeine. If only i have that much adrenaline during the exams period. *Phew* Finally its over....
Routine eating and drinking, water parade is a MUST! Jittery legs and abnormal mind alertness. Wonder if i can sustain that.

Sneakily opened the front door. Brother sleeping. As i walk towards the stadium for bus pick up, i was expecting to see how many likeminded ple there are, who wld wake up so early and leave the comfort of their beds for such physical torture.
Surprising, saw 1 of my Econs tut mates, though i still dunno his name after 1 sem of lessons. @ other familiar faces frm nus boarded the bus too. If i din't come, i wld not have met them.

Starting point (Esplanade Bridge) 0600AM - 0 km
As the race flags off, this thought came to my mind- "Its the start of another long, longest run of my life." Cooll breeze, good tempo and nice scenery as i paced myself together with companion along shenton way down to marina south.

3Km mark
I thought i heard loud cheers, then i saw a group of 'horses' running. Yup. 'Horses' would be the most appropriate word to describe the Kenyan and elite runners. Galloping with strength and not seeming toconserve any for the remaining 30+ km. That was the last time i saw them. As i hit 3km, they were already exiting marina south at the 10km mark. Kudos to them. These "dark horses."

10km (Sun appearing)
As i hit 25% of the course, I was still feeling great. I think i could do this forever. Downing a cup of 100-plus to replenish my lost salts.

15km (fatigue sets in)
My companion was feeling fatigue. Perhaps due to the overwhelming of UV rays draining us. He had trained up to 30km, definitely more than me, but the toll of the weather was defeating him. He walked and jogged and walked on. The sun shining mercilessly down on us and all the runners.

21km East Coast Park
WOOHOO! Halfway mark. Another 21km to go. At this point, all that was in my mind was to reach the turning point at bedok jetty. That is the waiting point me and companion set. Met a couple of rv friends along the way. It was a grueling 6kmto the turning point. Clearly the sun was the main factor. Then i remembered this quote frm the website: " Theres no such thing as bad weather, just WEAK Minds." Hmm................ is my mind weak? NO! Thou shall not give in to the sun, though my name literally means rising sun - 旭.

Replenishing point. PowerGels, banana and lots of water. Stretching while i waited for my companion to arrive. Still feeling good. I tink i can hit 33km. We both chose the dominant equilibrium solution which was the best for both of us- to run at our own paces.

33km - 37km
Out of ECP on to the roads. Weather was hot, hot and hotter. Running on the roads was exhausting, if not for the ice mountain water at every 2km. I paced along the roads, now and then pouring water over my head and body to cool off. Seems quite 'cooling' to me, seldom have the chance to do that in real life. Saw Mrs Yeow, 1 of my former PE teachers in RV. Chatted with her along though she doesn't really remember who i am. Her 1st marathon too. I can say shes a really motivational person, clapping and cheering for others along the race at the same time. You're the woman. I think im beginning to hate the East. Especially the roads along Kallang Stadium and the road leading to suntec.

37km to 39km.
Probably the toughest 2 km. As i trudge on, every step required extra effort. My body was beginning to feel the toll of the excessive running. Calfs and thigh tightened as though they were like rubber bands, going to snap any moment. I cld barely run 2km non stop, but stopped to stretch after 1km.

Road to the End (42.195km)
My mind perked up. All that i thought was impossible, unachievable w/o injury was soon realising. As i ran, i picked up pace. Victory was near. I could hear the cheers and support from all those at the Padang. It was going to end soon. And im going to do it in style.
I ran as though it was my ippt cheonging for the gold timing. People were all smiles, i was feeling good, exhilarated, extremely 'high'. Ran past a middle aged guy along the way, he was heads down and looking exhausted. With the finishing line in sight, i urged him to go on, all that running will be coming to an end. Surprisingly he looked up at me and said "thanks." Then he lifted his head and similarly gathered speed.
100m - 75m - 50m - 25m

I finished my very 1st marathon. Feeling really great. Tremendous relief. It was the moment i was waiting for. Met my friend as i took a breather. CONGRATS everyone. It was simply beyond description. We both signed up together and finally we both completed this. Thats what i call Brotherhood. A man need not have many friends, having friends as close as brothers is what you enough.

As my legs ache here and there, sunburnt skin and abrasion, lack of sleep and plenty of water parades, all this was worth it. A Man lives to find his greatest challenge and to Overcome It. Even the simplest luxury of taking a bath or lying on your bed seems so Great after every challenge.

OK... going to lie on my bed le. Tired. Inspired. Simply shiok.

On my quest


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