Friday, December 02, 2005


Dear Santa,
How's the weather in North Pole? Its December already, and the weather is geeting cold. Do wear more warm clothing and tell Santarina and the elves to take care of themsleves. Have you started your delivery? Maybe its time you take a break this year. Privatised your delivery to the various courier services. Im think DHL and FedEx have got quite good rates. If you want 24/7 delivery, maybe you can try MacDonalds. They have round-the-clock delivery too.
By the way, I saw Santarina and a few of your younger brothers in a TV ad for Carlsberg, "Probably the Best Beer in the World". WOW! They look just like you when you 1st started out delivery, often falling from chimneys. But 1 thing that resembles you is that they like to drink Carlsberg as well.
Im attaching my wish list for this year. Do look through it and grant whatever you can. Once again, have a great holiday and see you soon. Remember to bring along your rain coat, its been raining in Singapore lately.

P.S. Snowy's says "Bark Bark-alpo-chickie,Bark-Pedigree-beefu" :I want some Alpo chicken cubes and Pedigree Beef flavour



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