Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Peach Blossoms - The Art

Been rather some time since i 've blogged. Time for me to leave an entry.
What a packed start to the year it has been. Schools tiring, tutorials boring, lectures all abt admiring others..........
Finally we get a taste of whats 缘分 with our dear Asahara Sen Sei. ( G:SUMIMASEN! + acting)
And dear CS, pls Ms Anna has been arranged by Ministry of Love Affairs (SDU) to be there for a reason. Yes, shes there in our tutorials, lectures, everywhere. Quick. Life is too short for you to even hesitate.

Ever since i watched Memoirs of a Geisha....
I realised how impt it is to be able to "stop a man with just 1 glance"...........
YES. The so called killer looks or stare or "dian"(electri currents) that our dear Driver describes with his lemon/kimjio/banana.

Very importantly, you need ot have eyes that set forest fires and then put them out with those eyes that have water. So pure and so ..... Sayuri.

Get What i mean?

And yes, I have never seen a girl so cute like Chiyo before.

And i think most pretty girls don't look cute when they were young. So i CONCLUDE: Little Chiyo Chan is not Zhang ZiYi when she was young.


ANyway its the much awaited New Year and the much expected End of CNY. Irony.
Why are we waiting for this cheap thrill when we know its short lived.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Who are We Missing?

Ok, seems like everyone have their own views and thoughts as of recently. YES. Listen to that INNER VOICE telling you........

Thou shall lead a more meaningful life from now on........

Thou shall stick to my WORDS for 2006........

Thou .......(poor reception)

I shall RE-iterate:






Mind you, they are powerful words.... by no means easy to achieve. Abide by them with your inner self and conscience. Soon you will realise what they bring to you.

Ask not what others can give you, but rather what you can do for others.

Gentlemen, IM GLAD.
yes. By the stone table, we pledge our lives to live by these qualities.
yes. We have GROWN up.

Before we move on too quickly, let us pause for a moment and gather one of our members in the fellowship.
One who have fallen behind, regardless of deviation.
For you have proven to be worthy of our friendship - BROTHERHOOD.
Braved the rough seas and trecherous weathers (heavy rains on 南北大道)
Behold! The ALLIANCE!


Sunday, January 15, 2006


Cloud Seeding is effective isn't it?! If not why are we getting so much RAIN recently? If only we can time it well enough though.....

A new Sem .......
Time for the holidays to end .....
As we wonder to ourselves, what have we gained or achieved so far?

My life's in a MESS. YES. (not my room though..its 'neat')

My darn hair's a MESS. YES, not really the colour. DINO, i paid u $71 for this?!!!

My Regimes are in a MESS. Yes.
I wonder, when will i ever start my swims?
My runs? The rain...... Gilbert
My self enhancing ZEN reaching Psychological/Mental breakthroughs.
WHEN can i start reading Mr Morrie again ?

If I knew I was going to die........ I want to hold a 'living' funeral.
Morrie is so darn RIGHT - whats the point of crying and saying your thoughts when the person you love is already in the coffin. THeres no point.
Whats the point of saying only when im dead. Theres no point.

The flow of thoughts in my mind - just like the RAIN.
Heavy, light, drizzle, thunderstorm, gloomy skies.
If only I can harness all of it together. Then we will not have this thirst.

If Only........

Why doesn't anyone post another blog entry?

Are the happy memories a thing of the past?

Very Often we take things for Granted.

Yes ..... your friends, family, peers, everyone and everything. What if .... ?

My Words to live by for 2006.

you know what it means. Whats the value if its not appreciated? WORTHLESS.

it only takes a stray thought to give up. Be committed to whatever you are doing and trying to do. It ain't that far.

its not just a word or a salute, it comes from the HEART. DEEP DOWN. Earn it and SHOW It.

Yes. Nothing is too easy. Struggle hard and aim high. You only gain the most after a painful struggle. Whats life without a struggle or 2.... believe me, its always there, just expect it.

Last of all, most importantly,

who doesn't make mistakes. its always hard but it can be done. All you need is to take another approach. No grievances and inner peace - ZEN

"Behind every dark cloud, theres always a Silver lining"

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tribute - Adventures of TinTin

The latest news from my fan club............

Yup... theres goin to be a MUSICAL in London...
Shucks... i told them im having MC for wisdom tooth extractionand they replaced me wif this joker....
Anyway, think this is a HATE site of TinTin..

"We do not know Tintin's perinatal history. According to Hergé, the author of these stories, Tintin was 14 or 15 years old when he was created.1 He would, therefore, have been at least 60 years old during his final adventure with the Picaros.2 In that book, even though he had reached adulthood, Tintin has no beard or grey hair, and he exhibits no signs of pubertal development. "


"We hypothesize that Tintin has growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism from repeated trauma. This could explain his delayed statural growth, delayed onset of puberty and lack of libido. "

Oei: Wake up lah..... what the heck are u all doing these ridiculous research on a fictious character? Probably the experiment is also fake.

To see how ridiculous it is:

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Chronicles of NiaNia - The Liar, The Bitch & The CupBoard

Yes, just watched this quite ok movie.... maybe 4 stars out of 5 .......
Similar storylines to those ancient battles.... but the interesting part comes when children are involved.

Some spoofs or my views on the movie as follows:

1) Y can't the children just discover the wardrobe and start all their adventures... instead of poor lucy coming in and out and then being called a LIAR.
2) Excuse me Peter, but ur Brother is a real PUSSY. (y do those heir to the throne haf such weakling brothers, rem Troy, Mr Hectre and his pussy brother Orland* Bl**Ms........
3) Susan, u managed to get ur 1 and only kill in the whole show..... so much for ur Archery skills..and it was at such CLOSE RANGe!!
4) Pls Ms Bitch/Witch/Queen of NiaNia, save the Polar Bears...... its really a torture for them under this weather, let alone go into battle
5) Y did u call the majestic lion some "Azlan" ma chiam Mat name? Doesn't really fit the image...
Simba sounds much better
6) Animals and beasts in battle..... oh great... trying to be different.... no longer the typical human vs ogre/ORCs ..
7) Can we pls haf more fighting...... all their training ........ there weren't enuff close up battles betwn the boys and the beasts
8) OK GREAT. SANTA does exist.... bt y does he have grey hair and beard..... and wheres rudolph? I din see him with the reindeer team? Pls include him!!
9) Y does Mr "Azlan" haf bad breath?!!! All the stonified figures came round after he blows his breath at them..... *YUCKS*
OK, heres 1 of my resolution for 2006.... YES. 1 of my fantasies in fact, to star in that particular scene where Peter wields his sword and says his prayers b4 the battle.... (Mr Stevie Spill-burp take note!!!)
<---- mY Dream -----
To wear the armour and wield the sword with tons of troops behind, ala LOTR battle scenes.....
> "For NiaNia, and For Azlan!!!"
(troops morale boosted......)
<---- One of the scenes i found quite familiar...
Yes. Y do lions always stand at some cliff area looking really cool with the sun's rays behind it?
Looks like 'Simba' from The Lion King

The Chronicles of NiaNia - The Liar, The Bitch & The CupBoard

Yes, just watched this quite ok movie.... maybe 4 stars out of 5 .......
Similar storylines to those ancient battles.... but the interesting part comes when children are involved.

Some spoofs or my views on the movie as follows:

1) Y can't the children just discover the wardrobe and start all their adventures... instead of poor lucy coming in and out and then being called a LIAR.
2) Excuse me Peter, but ur Brother is a real PUSSY. (y do those heir to the throne haf such weakling brothers, rem Troy, Mr Hectre and his pussy brother Orland* Bl**Ms........
3) Susan, u managed to get ur 1 and only kill in the whole show..... so much for ur Archery skills..and it was at such CLOSE RANGe!!
4) Pls Ms Bitch/Witch/Queen of NiaNia, save the Polar Bears...... its really a torture for them under this weather, let alone go into battle
5) Y did u call the majestic lion some "Azlan" ma chiam Mat name? Doesn't really fit the image...
Simba sounds much better
6) Animals and beasts in battle..... oh great... trying to be different.... no longer the typical human vs ogre/ORCs ..
7) Can we pls haf more fighting...... all their training ........ there weren't enuff close up battles betwn the boys and the beasts
8) OK GREAT. SANTA does exist.... bt y does he have grey hair and beard..... and wheres rudolph? I din see him with the reindeer team? Pls include him!!
9) Y does Mr "Azlan" haf bad breath?!!! All the stonified figures came round after he blows his breath at them..... *YUCKS*
OK, heres 1 of my resolution for 2006.... YES. 1 of my fantasies in fact, to star in that particular scene where Peter wields his sword and says his prayers b4 the battle.... (Mr Stevie Spill-burp take note!!!)
<---- mY Dream -----
To wear the armour and wield the sword with tons of troops behind, ala LOTR battle scenes.....
> "For NiaNia, and For Azlan!!!"
(troops morale boosted......)
<---- One of the scenes i found quite familiar...
Yes. Y do lions always stand at some cliff area looking really cool with the sun's rays behind it?
Looks like 'Simba' from The Lion King

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Best Pick Up Lines 2005

Vote for the Best Pick up line 2005 ;

1)Female: Hey Fredrick .......
Male: Im *xXXx*

2) Female: I think u look familiar ...... u were at Club M*M* rite?
Male: Er........
(The last time i was at there was how long ago.....)

Anyway...... jus no 'luck'
Fate hasn't arrived....
But dun worry...........

Im picking up my 'mojo' with girls again.... haha
2006 the year to PArty

MoS Out 2006 - Zouked

Who knows....

It might really come true in 2006.... The Biggest Party in the History of Singapore....
The top 2 mega clubs come together to lauch an island wide party...

Heres how it goes.....

The entire island is divided into 5 segments....
Use of the public warning sys
North - Retro
South - Trance/House
East - Top 40s/RnB/Rap
West - Cheena Techno/Rock
- Mixed + 'Live' Bang

In conjunction with the Singapore I Want Campaign and also a National Event:
The main committees are

1) Singapore Powers - Lightings, flickering lights in HDB blocks synchronised with fireworks all over the skies
2) HDB - Decoration and party balloons all over the corridors
3) LTA - Traffic lights and speed cameras flashes and alternating lights .... imagine the traffic lights - Red, amber, green, Red, red, Amber, amber, Red, Green...... COOL
4) RSAF - Fighter jets F 16 soaring the skies with colored jet sprays ala NDP parade
Helicopters to provide sky cam views of the entire country
5) Singapore Artillery - Yes, pls launch the Fireworks HIGH up into the sky with ur Precision and Timeliness
6) Snow City - Start ur Snow Machines !
7) SingTel, M1 and Starhub - Send an SMS to every user at the struck of midnite ...
Imagine the mobiles of all 2 mil +++ users vibrating and ringing at the same time
8) Who needs the foreign DJs, those DJ Slime, DJ ice ..wateva...
We got our own talents.... DJ TinTin Durai (Hes HOT in 2005).... DJ Crouch .... DJ 987 DJ Power 98 ... plenty of Big Names...

Remember, the Biggest Event needs to be carefully orchestrated. Precise and well coordindated, blending into the different music genres and also lighting/fireworks.
Together we can Build a HAPPENING Singapore - The Singapore I Want

Christmas Eve 2005

TLC Talks

TinTin: Guess what?
Mat C.S: Who Cares?!! ( kena slapped.... *piak*)
G.Crouch: Nxt yr i will be partying with Ang Mohs already...
Mat C.S: Who Cares?!! ( kena slapped....again... *piak*)
Mat C.S: You slap me again later i will ..... "Honk U".......
*Burst of Laughter*
G.Crouch: Honk Honk
Crown Prince Tiong: Honk! How many times muz I tell u..... Serangoon Gardens is NOWHERE near Serangoon!!!!!!!!
TinTin: In my own world .... (Don't Cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me....)
Mat C.S: Hey, theres live "Bang"......... lets go....
*Burst of Laughter*
*Burst of Laughter*
*Burst of Laughter*
Crown Prince Tiong: Later i 'bang' u.... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang"......... live "Bang".........
Mat C.S: 早知道.....
TinTin: 早知道.....早知道..... 我就去开 IR liao....

As we battle to end our 2005 with a Big Bang (live "Bang"......... ) .... we checked out some of the most 'promising pubs/clubs' in the clubbing scene in Singapore.

Yes. Its Christmas Eve 24th Dec 2005.... Father Santa gonna come, so make sure you are either pretending to be sleeping or not around.

Father Pelican pub....... OMG

TinTin: Is this suppose to be a Xmas Party? (Amazed at the whole ceiling of balloons)
G.Crouch: wow....

The pub that forgot its actually Christmas Eve...... and that there is suppose to be a COUNTDOWN!!!!
Wake up lah..... DJ cannot remember got COuntdown then come for Christmas Party for what.......
With that.... TLC quietly slips into Christmas Morning unknowingly......
Being chased out at 2.30am......lousy music......ah Nehs dancing happily with balloons........

HELP! .....How bad can a Christmas Party GET?!!!

The Year 2005 - As we look back (w/o e anger)

2005 is Done. And Over!

As we struggled over the start of Sem 1, endless projects, weeks after weeks of tutorials .......
I wouldn't say it was that bad, despite the 'torture' we had in school, we had plenty of fun too
1) Crazy Friday Nites (yes, i mean insanely Fan Jian)
2) Chill out days (We luv StarB*cks)
3) Mt. Akina aka Macpherson Drift training
4) Road Trip 2005 (of course! who wld 4get my 'virgin' drive in M'sia and our adventure to Thailand w trusty Mr Ford)(2000++ Km )
5) Tennis in the dark ( fan jian w lousy prata and then tennis at NUS at 5.30)(Who can see the balls?)
6) Sucky S*T*a*Ts proj discussion every wk in the canteen (YUCKS!)
7)cLUB mOMO aka Mkting nite ...... ( We luv Peng Sim)
8) Endless hours of proj dis on Msn and IT assignments...... (Anand U r GREAT!)
9) Bowling and lousy steamboat at Marina.... (starlet is a tough car to handle.... for me - too bad we can only search our memories for starlet. F3 pls post ur name and phone no.)
10) Plain chill out at empty pubs .....
Remember the 1 and only song..........Song of the year 2005
Don't Cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Its been a Mixed 2005.... and 2006 will be definitely a better one...........
TLC Pte. unLtd ..... ( soon to be listed)