Saturday, November 26, 2005

By the Way

G> its spelt 'mucus' not muscus

And that 'haben'ingitis disease that cs has caught... nvm if u dun understand

Auditions for the next SNOWY II has started.
Interested parties prepare for your shot at stardom.
Btw Snowy I the Mouth is suffering from 'haben'ingitis > which is y i decided to replace it
Come on down if you THINK YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

OOPS I did it again....

Thought i have a nice quick nap.... then.... (rooster calls).... its the morning express on class 95

Anyway, did you alll try out the xialanxue site?

If ur free go read the forum for IT lah... quite interesting..... anand so free to reply to all posts.... then got sum jokers try to "POR" again....... TOO LATE LOSERS!! or maybe still can?

3 down, 2 to GOGogogogoGOGOGOG

aNYWAY, just for your info, while our company was not activated for any trials or exercise, our counterparts led by some joint task commander carried out a VERY SUCCESSFUL exercise involving land and air elements in the US featuring real live firing.
Gentleman, after our exams, we need to go polish up on our skills again and keep our 'competitive advantage'. Make sure we are the 1st one to go out when its time for battle.
i mean die 1st and you will be honoured rather than die in the middle etc........ SIAO!

G> SHUCKS, i noe u r 'horny'.... bt then do keep in mind your own msn statement....... Pls don't do anything 'stupid' (daqiu tone) jus because its the holidays........

Signing out.......

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

The story centers on the scion of a royal family who is born as a eunuch. When treatment doesn't do the boy any good, they are advised to conduct pooja at their local temple with a eunuch poojari. The hurdles in their way forms the rest of the story.There are many interesting characters in the story, like Kakatiya, the guru of all eunuchs. About 200 years old, he can change himself into a man or woman, and is on the final stages of an experiment he's carrying out. The male part is played by Tinnu Anand, and when the character turns into a female, it's played by Linda. Divya Dutta plays a police officer."It's is a surrealistic film set in modern times, and has sentiment, action, horror and fantasy weaved in," says the producer. The film has music by Ilayaraja cinematography by Saravanan, stunts by Mafia Sasi and editing by Srikar Prasad. With graphics forming a part of the narration, it promises to be an unusual entertainer.

heres the review for our special tribute to BOLLYWOOD movies


After seeing the other 2 members write so much... i think its time for me to make a stand......
SPEAK and thou shall be forgiven

G> So whats the subtle change? Don't tell me its ur 'boyband' a-la long dyed hair.......... be good for goodness sake, go cut it...... if not Santa's going to know

F> Good at least we have 1 new NSF added to our ever expanding MNCompany........

What is the world coming to? Im refering to the case of this famous pianist who managed to skip NS for 30 years and now he returns and is just being made to pay a fine of $5000. Now that hes famous, come back be some piano talent judge for the Arts Council....
How bt we enlist him at Tekong and then force him thru BMT.....
Then we let him dwindle his talent away for 2 years at the Music and Drama Company......
Goodness sake, no matter how famous u r... if u DECIDE not to do NS....
either you don't call yourself a MALE here,
or you dun ever set foot back here and then sinfully joy at ur special treatment
Anyway the 'force' doesn't need LOSERS like you....
Definitely not welcome in TLC..... get "LOST"

Ok our fav ch 5 blockbuster drama LOST is reaching its season finale this coming thursday..
darn, i've some econs paper next morning at 9am.. if not sure watch.....(bt i guess it doesn;t matter also)
So whats it about the island anyway?
Why are these people chosen here?
What does the French lady want with Claire's baby?
Where does the black smoke abt 5mile into the island signify?
Will Sawyer and Jin and the rest make it safely to get help in the seas?

Btw theres a really famous actor who has no lines in the show bt keeps appearing and then every1 finds food for 'him' also... guess who?

VINCENT >>>> the dog

Reaching ZEN and over soon....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Check it Out

Guys, check out the IVLE forum for BSP...
I put a post then this Liu Xuan guy came and reply.... then now he become good buddy wif Jo liao...... POR LAM PA......
You can see how 'Intimate' they become later in the post......

From Princess To Commoner

Japan's Princess Sayako is now simply Mrs Sayako Kuroda, housewife.
The 36 year old daughter to Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko became a commoner after she married Tokyo government official Yoshiki Kuroda. She was given about 152 million yen (S$2 million) as a special one-time allowance from the government.
For goodness sake, STOP PIRACY!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Just Another Entry ... tiong... something for u

Heres an interesting song heard over the radio......
by this 20 yr old singer called Katie Melua ....

Nine Million Bicycles
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die

We are twelve billion light years from the edge
That's a guess
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar
Just believe everything that I say

There are six billion people in the world
More or less
And it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wireWith the world in our sight
And I'll never tire
Of the love that you give me every night

There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a factIt's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing
And you know that I will love you till I die
Apparently this singer got her inspiration when she was in China and saw so many bicycles.
So much for On the Spot creativity.
I can "Pre-empt" that once mr Bear reads this.. he will say "Love is for Losers"
Nash says if thats the case then don't read lah!
Heres just a 欠扁问答题:
4 more days to FNA !!!
just kill some time lol

Monday, November 14, 2005



The Apprentice 3 : Final Showdown

Once again.. im going to post something that i think would interest no 1... bbt WHO CARES?
Wel.... if you don't feel like reading then stop after this punctuation .

For those who read on.... guess what ? And the winner for Season 3 of The Apprentice is finally out ( at least for me) compared those those who downloaded tons of episodes b4 me and i just dumbly stuck to Ch5 's showing times.... (so much for opening up the free to air TV industry)...

Mr Trump and his 'sidekicks'

And the winner goes to.....

KENDRA (Team Book Smarts)
Good Job there! You kept your composure showing that you are the Elite 1 .....
Remember: There is no SUCCESS without U...

TANA (Team Street Smart)
Well.... You pretty much shot yourself in the foot when you called ur team mates STOOGES! Shrewdness might work in the Real world, but it DEFINITELY doesnt in Reality Series.... (so much for the "realness")

Heres just 1 exciting excerpt:

Trump: I Hate people who cry, and you cried in my show, is this a sign of Weakness?!!

Kendra:Havent you seen a 300lbs man lifting a Superbowl trophy in his hands and crying to his team-mates.....
(Audience delivers a tremendous bout of clapping)

After countless weeks of backstabbing, bitching, jealousy and cat-fights, it has come to an end. With our well deserved winner(among this 2)... I do urge you to watch this last episode and you can really tell how a B*I*T*C*H is Tana. Kendra rocks big time with her ever cool and composed image.... WHOEVER SAID CRYING IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS!!!!

You know what , an invitation to join TLC has been sent to Kendra. Kudos to her.
Well Tana, you aint gonna get anything.......

Thats it for the review of the final episode for The Apprentice 3.....
Keep a lookout for similar reviews for the ALL time favorite LOST

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Biggest Loser

Check this Out.... the new reality series to hit Ch 5.... The Biggest Loser.... (literally)

You're RIGHT! if you are wondering how TLC was formed....... yes, we r the "Winners" of the Hit NBC Realtity TV series......

Endured weeks of grueling pain, zero food intake, arduous training and of course resisted the temptation to giving up..... YES WE R the REAL WINNERS out there!
Its all in line with the next reality show "The Bachelor". "The Biggest Loser" seeks to transform the most motivated, determined people into the next bachelor/bachelorette.

Feeling tempted?
Heres what you should do ...

Apply now to be on the next The Biggest Loser!
The biggest phenomenon in reality television is back! Do you have what it takes to be The Biggest Loser? Casting has begun...
If you're ready to get healthy and lose weight the old fashioned way through diet and exercise, then we want you.
We are also looking for Biggest Loser Family Members who want to tackle their weightloss goals as a team. If you are husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter, brothers, sisters, twins, etc, then Apply Now!
How to apply:
Step 2: Make a VHS videotape
Step 3: Mail the application and videotape to us.
What to include in your 5 minute videotape...
Show us why you should be on the biggest loser. Make your video as personal as possible. Start with your name, age and hometown. Take us on a tour of your typical day (ie. at work, at play, at home, etc).
Show us (don't just tell us) why you need to lose weight. And, let us know why you are a great candidate for the show. Remember that we want to see your personality. Have fun and good luck!
Send your VHS tapes to:
Biggest Loser Season 3PO Box 578Patong Beach,BARLEY 180-BIGGEST-LOSER


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

HOHO..... i never knew....

HOHOHHOHOHO..... *Biang*
Heard that... thats me laughing till i fall off my chair.... words frm the LOSER who types exactly the opp. of what he says and does....

Quote" Im not going to marketing tut, econs, waste of time.... i rather go home and SLEEP... then at least at nite i can study more....."

"Im going to biah all the theory this week, then next wk do all the past yr papers".....

"Im going to print all the past yr papers"....

Blah Blah Blah..........

Jus like a tweeny piece of CHICKEN tellling Col Sanders.... "PLEASE FRY ME" .... (I've got BIRD flu) .........

Get it?.... bet u dun...... LOL

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Its the Time AgaIN .....

ITS THE TIME AGAIN..... time for the unified members OF TLC to attempt another record breaking feat..... MUG!!! (cup,bowl watever u call it) .... YUP tats rite... doin wat every undergrad in Singapore does best at this time of the year....

Time for us to flock wholeheartedly/brainlessly/sub-consciously to the libraries, study rms, tutorial rms, benches etc, just like any other trying to show that we r studious and grab a slice of that "I-stayed-in-school-to-mug-so-i-shld-have-good-grades" pie. yummy

MUG MUG MUG ........
Cant we ever add new meaning and life to this word.... to those out there who enjoy procrastinating bt how many darn hours you spent MUGGIN, good for u... muggin is for "WINNERS" ...... Guess wat ...

Literally you're juz a piece of porcelain/glass/clay or watever shit "MOULDED" into the shape of mug, only to hold watever you have been shaped to do so... when the time comes, a small crack will just drain you of watever you have inside you... then you are jus another 'EMPTY VESSEL".

FYI: Havent you been hearing and seeing more of those depression ads, that asks you whether you having loss of appetite, frustrated, moody blah blah blah..... yup....... "WINNERS" beware, cos you're the TARGET! But luckily for you, "Depression can be cured by drugs" .... jus 1 little "XTRIM" and you can X X X (cha cha cha) away your troubles, fats, watever you want, you name it you have it.

So before you embark on your quest to become the Ultimate piece of porcelain(Mug) in Singapore, do take down this toll free number ... 1800-IM-A-LOSER. Remember, you're not alone, you're an ISLAND.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Virgin Post... Ouch!

hello evibody...
wah lao... for a normal guy, if you r pathetic, you wun wan the whole world to know about it. What makes us not oni pathetic, but worse than that, being 'losers', is that we want the whole world to know about it also. I mean, who can be more proud about being losers and letting the whole world know about it than us? wtf...

hopefully no one will post my yandao face here...

please dun....


i dun wan not only to feel lyd a loser, but to have a face that pple will identify with as loser.

if you wan prove of our 'loseriness'... presenting evidence...

Flabbergasted says:
haha we calling ourselves losers
Flabbergasted says:
wat will pple tink of us says:
relac man says:
u noe its jus a name says:
when t see how much fun we haf says:
then their perception will change

what can i say? *SIGH*...

The Losers Club Goes Online !

Debut blog entry.......